The Financial Engineer – Australian Equities Portfolio Strategy

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The market has positioned itself for rate rises by the RBA; bond rates and the $A have risen and interest-rate sensitive stocks have been hit. We see a rate rise from the RBA as unlikely this calendar year.  The latest CPI data showed inflation below the RBA’s target and the Australian economy faces more challenges from slowing housing construction and pressures on consumers from higher mortgage rates and electricity prices.

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Five great charts on investing

Oliver's Insights

At its core, the basic principles of successful investing are simple.  And one way to demonstrate that is in charts or pictures – after all, a picture tells a thousand words. So this note looks at five charts I find useful in understanding investing.

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Market Update – July 2017

View from the hill

The financial year ended 30 June 2017 was very good to well-diversified, growth-orientated investors. Equities enjoyed well above average returns, whereas property and fixed income were far more subdued (particularly A-REITs whose annual returns were mostly driven by the results for the single month of June).

Click here to read the article.

Fifty Trades on Grey

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Demographics played a major role in the era of higher growth, volatile inflation and rising asset prices in the 1980s and 1990s and will be heavily influential again over the next 20 years as baby boomers leave the workforce.

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Global political risks one year on from Brexit – what have we learned?

Oliver's Insights

It’s now 12 months since the British voted to leave the European Union, an event that some saw as setting off a domino effect of other European countries looking to do the same. This was also followed by a messy election result in Australia, Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the US presidential election, increasing concern around North Korea and a steady flow of terrorist attacks.

Click here to read the article.

Market Update – May 2017

View from the hill

Several political tensions characterized April, including Eurozone elections, tensions between the US and North Korea and simmering conflict in the Middle East. However, markets looked through these threats and were largely unaffected by them.

Click here to read the article.

Sporting Achievements







Max recently competed in the 75-79 year age group at the at the World Masters Games in April in Auckland where he was awarded Silver in the 200m Butterfly and Bronze in the 400m Individual Medley.  We are all so proud of you Maxie!!  Awesome job!!

Renae recently competed in the Ultra Trail Australia 50km Marathon.  What an achievement.  Well Done Renae!!

Claire recently completed in The Wild Women On Top Coastrek 30km Walk raising money for The Fred Hollows Foundation.  Well Done Claire!!