Oliver’s Insights

The investment outlook – can the good returns continue?

Oliver's Insights

Despite the usual turmoil along the way and ending on a weak note with Greek and Chinese-related turmoil, 2014-15 provided another year of solid returns for investors who were prepared to move beyond cash. Most asset classes had reasonable returns resulting in average superannuation funds returning 9.9%, their third financial year in a row of returns around 10% or more.

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Where will returns come from? – the constrained medium term return outlook

Oliver's Insights

Way back in the early 1980s it was pretty obvious that the medium term (five year) return potential from investing was pretty solid.  As it turns out most assets had spectacular returns in the 1980s and 1990s. This can be seen in returns for superannuation funds which averaged 14.1% in nominal terms and 9.4% in real terms between 1982 and 1999 (after taxes and fees).

Click here to read the article.

Australian home prices and interest rates

Oliver's Insights

The case for the RBA resuming interest rate cuts this year has been fairly clear: commodity prices have fallen more than expected; the $A has remained relatively high; while  residential construction and consumer spending are okay the outlook for business investment has deteriorated pointing to overall growth remaining sub-par; and inflation is low.

Click here to read the article.