All posts by Office

Costs and competition

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The Australian reporting season was disappointing, with significantly more misses than beats and a large number of downgrades to forecasts for FY19 and FY20. There was some offset from a number of special dividends, although dividend forecasts were cut in a range of sectors.

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Australia: struggle street

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Australian equity valuations improved during the year-end sell-off but they did not become compelling. The forward price to earnings ratio (PE) briefly dipped below historical averages, however, the positive start to the year has pushed the market back above this metric.

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Market Update – December 2018

View from the hill

As we move toward the festive season respite for investors may be coming given developments on trade with China, as discussed below, combining with some clarification from US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell where he indicated that rates are “just below the broad range of estimates of the level that would be neutral for the economy.”

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