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Market Strategy Call

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On Wednesday 27th of January 2016, Mike Hawkins (Australian Equities Portfolio Manager) and Stephen Arnold (International Equities Portfolio Manager) discussed in detail the current market and their expectations for the outlook from here.

If you are interested in hearing their views, please click here.

Review of 2015, outlook for 2016

Oliver's Insights

2015 has seen another long worry list for investors. Some of these – such as terrorist attacks in Paris, the escalating war in Syria, refugee problems in Europe, Greece’s latest tantrum and tensions in the South China Sea – have not had a lasting impact on investment markets. However, worries about deflation, falling commodity prices, fears of an emerging market (EM) crisis led by China and uncertainty around the Fed’s first interest rate hike have had a more lasting impact.

Click here to read the article.

Market Update – December 2015

View from the hill

Despite an increasingly stable economic backdrop, commodity prices continued to tumble over November.  The Reserve Bank Commodity Price Index showed a 2.9% fall last month, to bring the annual decline to 22%.  As a result, prices of resource stocks plummeted further last month, with Australia’s export income now in decline despite higher volumes.

Click here to read the article.

Market Update – October 2015

View from the hill

Heightened financial market volatility continued over September, although sharemarket losses were less significant than those recorded in August. Concerns over a slowing in the pace of economic growth in China appeared to be the dominant theme on markets last month.

Click here to read the article.

Maxie’s Australian Masters Games
















Max recently returned from the Australian Masters Games held in Adelaide at the beginning of this month and came away with:

Bronze Medals in:

  • 400m Individual Medley
  • 200m Individual Medley
  • 100m Freestyle

Silver Medal in:

  • 50m Butterfly

Gold Medals in:

  • 100m Butterfly
  • 200m Butterfly

Awesome Maxie!!  Well done!!  We are all very proud of you.