All posts by Office

Australian GDP growth: As good as it gets for a while?

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After discussion in recent months as to whether the likely sustainable trend rate of Australian economic growth has slowed, along came the December quarter National Accounts showing growth through 2015 had picked up to 3.0%. Certainly that helped rationalise the buoyant labour market in late 2015, but the weakness in wages growth and the relative strength in lower paid more labour intensive sectors of the economy is also a factor.

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Market Update – March 2016

View from the hill

Global equities continued their weaker trend falling 1.4% (hedged) in February, with Australian equities following the global lead, falling 1.8%. The volatility was driven by
ongoing concerns that global growth was slowing with some possibility of recession.

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China in transition from manufacturing to services

Oliver's Insights

Uncertainty regarding China has been a factor behind global growth worries and share market volatility since mid last year. Put simply the combination of a reversal of gains in Chinese shares, a fall in the Renminbi and uncertainty about the intentions of Chinese policy makers at a time of slowing Chinese growth have fanned fears China was heading for the “hard landing” that China bears have long predicted.

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Market Outlook March 2016

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The market did improve modestly in the second half of the month as excessive pessimism re US economic growth prospects were re-appraised, the domestic profit reporting season ended relatively mixed (although FY16 & FY17 consensus estimates were further reduced) and risk appetite improved in global markets.

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