All posts by Office

Market Update – October 2016

View from the hill

September was dominated by Central Bank positioning and statements and investor perceptions of these statements. Last month we wrote that “Uncertainty around the  timing of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates was contrasted with other developed economies looking to increase their accommodative policy measures.

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Market Update – September 2016

View from the hill

Conflicting direction regarding global government economic action came into focus during August. Uncertainty around the timing of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates was contrasted with other developed economies looking to increase their accommodative policy measures.

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Market Update – August 2016

View from the hill

Equity and bond markets moved up over July continuing the rally that started last month after the Brexit vote in the UK. It is unusual for both these asset classes to move in tandem as a strong equity market usually indicates an improving economy while a buoyant bond market is usually associated with a slowing economy, or a recession.

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Banking sector update: relative value has improved but the structural challenges remain substantial.

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The relative Price-Earnings Ratio (PER) of the Bank sector to the Industrials excluding the Banks, REITs and Utilities has been substantially de-rated over the past 18 months. After an average discount of close to 25% over the past ten years the sector currently sits at a discount of around 40%, but given the change in the operating environment for banks, is this enough? Given the trends in likely EPS growth, probably not yet.

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Market Update – July 2016

View from the hill

June was characterized by heightened volatility as a result of the decision by UK voters to  depart the European Union, a decision which was unexpected by markets. The initial sell-off in equity markets was severe however, as is often the case, once investors had time to examine the actual financial impacts of the decision, equities rallied sharply.

Click here to read the article.