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Can equities do it again in ’18?

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It has been a remarkable period for global equities since early 2016. Global equities have returned around 40% over that time, compared with a 2% return for global bonds. All the stars have aligned for equities over this period; better global growth and earnings has occurred at the same time as inflation has fallen, monetary policy has remained easy and the $US has weakened.

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Market Update – September 2017

View from the hill

All asset classes recorded minimal change over August despite being impacted by a range of factors, both political and economic.  Domestically, key issues centred on the reporting
season and ongoing political uncertainty for the government because of the “dual citizenship” issue.

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Market Update – August 2017

View from the hill

Central bank cash rates and their outlook were the major features impacting markets over July. Overseas most central banks, except Japan, indicated that monetary conditions and interest rates had bottomed and were likely to tighten, albeit gradually, from here. In Australia, the RBA noted that the neutral cash rate is around 3.5% p.a., or some 200 basis points above the current cash rate.

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